
Sunday 18 July 2010


Example's new studio album is one of my favourite albums at the moment. I have been a fan since him and Professor green were signed on 'The Beat' label. His new album has a completely different sound to it. DJ Wire puts some really good electro beats and soo well with Example rapping over the top. There are soo many different style son the album, you have some dubstep, dance, hiphop, and indie all combined into one.

The new album from Black Keys is again a really good album. The legacy of their recent Blakroc rap/rock project is felt on "I'm Not the One" and "Too Afraid to Love You", gnarled blues tracks with a loping hip-hop gait. Cant wait to til I get a chance to see these live.

Really like this album, and has a a nice range of singer on the album, including James Mercer of The Shins, The Flaming Lips, Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, Jason Lytle of Grandaddy, Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, Frank Black of the Pixies, Iggy Pop, Nina Persson of The Cardigans, Suzanne Vega, Vic Chesnutt, David Lynch, and Scott Spillane of Neutral Milk Hotel and The Gerbils; these singers also had a hand in composing and producing the work.

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